Thank you for being an amazing part of our Music at Good News Brewing in Defiance and Augusta. Starting in 2025 we have an updated format for booking your dates with us for the upcoming year. We also plan to open a new location in Wildwood and will have additional information closer to opening.
We are using a new online booking tool to make it easier for you to find the dates that work best for you. You may book one date per month initially. If there are leftover dates that we would like to fill, we will send an email out to let you all know.
Good News Brewing is setting the following Guidelines and Terms & Conditions starting for 2025. We hope that you will continue to support Good News Brewing as we appreciate you and would like to continue supporting your business.
A-Participants agree to set up in time to begin playing promptly at 2pm in Defiance and 1pm in Augusta.
B-Participants agree to take no more than (2) 15-Minute breaks during the 3 hour period.
C-Participants will submit a completed Musician Participation Agreement and W-9 form each calendar year - see attached.
D-Good News will pay a flat rate of $225 for the 3 hour period for the group, not per individual.
E-Good News will provide 2 Beers and a Pizza for each band member to redeem on the date of the event. No other discounts are allowed.
F-Friends and family of the Musicians are responsible for paying their own tabs and do not receive any discounts.